Transform Your Life
Experience a new level of personal and professional development through tailored coaching and mentorship.
Your Journey Starts Here
To work with a transformative coach is different.
Istället för att analysera och bearbeta hinder, utmaningar och problem så har denne en multidimensionell approach som kommer att påverka dig i grunden.
I praktiken betyder detta i många fall att du som klient inte bara får hjälp med att lösa det du ville ha hjälp med, utan samtalen kommer att skapa en positiv förändring på flera områden i ditt liv.
If it concerns your profession, you can get help with:
➤ bli tydligare och tryggare ledare.
➤ sköta konflikter mer effektivt.
➤ hantera dina egna sinnestillstånd bättre.
➤ öka din egen och medarbetares motivation, vilket driver engagemang.
➤ minska tiden för time-to-solve.
➤ öka förmågan för innovation.
If you seek support in your personal life, help can be given for, among other things:
➤ sova bättre.
➤ känna mindre press.
➤ leva mer i harmonisk närvaro.
➤ bättre hantera relationer till familj, partner och vänner.
➤ enklare lämna gamla oförrätter.
➤ känna mer hopp och tillförsikt.
➤ bli mer självständig och bry sig mindre om vad andra tycker och tänker.
A new approach
Professionell Transformativ Coaching
Transformative coaching is a method that goes deep. It is based on fundamental knowledge of how to unlock your resources and potential.
A transformative conversation is a process where you together with your coach explore and challenge the fundamental beliefs and patterns that govern your life. Through this method, you will not only overcome what is holding you back but also gain invaluable knowledge that will help you with your future challenges.
Personal & Professionell Coaching
Individual coaching to maximize your potential and achieve your personal and professional goals.
Professional Mentorship
Support ang guidance for a sustainable inner development.
Life Coaching
Holistic coaching that helps you balance different aspects of life and achieve sustainable success.
What clients say:
"Patrik is warm and very present. He is knowledgeable and generous with himself. I have had wonderfully beautiful days together with him, and he has been my companion on my journey to clarity.
These two days are priceless. There is a before and an after my days with Patrik."
Hans Karlsson
Sales trainer and coach
“Patrick has a beautifully balanced coaching style, and seems to have a privileged view of the perimeter of one´s thinking, where he usually finds questions you could not have possibly conceived.
His invitation to take unexplored roads is as compelling as it feels secure. He´s a joy to work with.”
Jeff Davies
Sales Director
Patrik Rowinski has over a decade of experience working with people. Over the years, he has established himself as a reliable and skilled coach who focuses on creating lasting change.
Patrik's unique coaching style combines teaching, coaching, and mentoring. His easy-going and educational approach, along with a strong commitment to his clients' success, makes him an invaluable resource on your personal development journey.
Take the next step in your development
Är du redo att ta din karriär eller ditt personliga liv till nästa nivå? Boka en session med Patrik Rowinski och upptäck kraften i transformativ coaching. Ta kontakt för mer information och för att börja din resa mot framgång.
Location: Stockholm
Cell: +46 733 668190
Email patrik (at)
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